New York Regional Vice President: Swathi Reddy Moylan


Swathi Reddy Moylan, MD
Psychiatry, Metropolitan Hospital Center

Being members of CIR helped with our recent contract negotiations and allowed us to see salary increases as well as a retroactive salary stub because we had many years of salary stagnancy. It helped with morale of the residents and made me feel like I could count on the union to stand behind me.

By being a member of CIR, I have learned how to work with other residents on getting issues solved in the hospital. I have learned that many everyday problems that we, as residents, face can be solved if we work together and take them to the proper places. I have learned that other residents often face problems that I faced as an individual, and if we work together more can be accomplished because our voice is louder.

I would like to help CIR improve outreach into hospitals that do not have a CIR chapter. I feel that spreading the word to residents that belong to CIR currently can help us find contacts at hospitals that do not have chapters. I also believe we can start email chains that could be sent to hospitals without CIR through such contacts. There is much work to be done in this area, and I think I could help in this manner.

By working as an alternate delegate for Metropolitan Hospital Center this year, I was able to act as a sounding board for many residents and guide them to the proper channels to have their problems addressed. I was able to advocate on behalf on many residents at our hospital throughout the year. By becoming a regional vice president, I hope to advocate for residents across our region, as well as our country. I intend to work with other CIR executive committee members to bring programming to hospitals in our region to teach residents new innovations in patient safety. I hope to help organize more events with regards to patient safety that can bring residents together across the region and country, which will help foster our physician community.

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