Defending the ACA


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For months, House Republican leaders have promised that they would finally vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act on the law’s seventh anniversary, March 23.  They scheduled a vote for 4:30 pm and, with the large majority of votes they have in the House, were confident of success.

Instead, they blinked.

The vote was postponed — a sure sign that they didn’t have the votes to pass their repeal-and-replace law. We are still not out of the woods but it is clear that the pressure is working!  The original American Health Care Act (AHCA) was pulled by Speaker Paul Ryan on March 24.

As of April 27, House Republicans have finalized a deal with the conservative Freedom Caucus to revive their failed healthcare repeal bill. Let’s keep up the momentum — call your elected officials and ensure that we win a second time.

The House healthcare bill was already deeply flawed — and those flaws remain.

  • It would still rip healthcare away from 24 million people, cause premiums to skyrocket, especially for low income seniors, and destroy the fundamental underpinnings of the Medicaid system.
  • It would still cut $880 billion from Medicaid, undermining safety-net hospitals, and the healthcare relied on by children, seniors who need long-term care, and those with mental health and substance use issues.
  • The new proposal would allow states to waive protections for people with pre-existing conditions.  It would also allow insurers to jack up premiums for seniors and the sickest patients.

Call 866-426-2631.  You’ll be connected to the office of a moderate Republican in your state.

Say, “As a physician at a safety-net hospital in your state, I urge you to stand strong and continue to reject this revised House healthcare bill that would hurt my patients and my hospital.”

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