
  • The ACA is under attack again. This time it is the Graham-Cassidy Bill. In order to pass with a simple 50 vote majority under budget reconciliation, the bill must be passed by the Senate no later than September 30. Currently, the Republican Senate Leadership is all in on Graham-Cassidy and launched a full scale whipping… Read more

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  • CIR members and our allies in SEIU have been working tirelessly to oppose the devastating cuts to Medicaid proposed in the GOP healthcare bill. Together with our partners, SEIU has held hundreds of events and made more than 260,000 phone calls to Congress to stop this dangerous effort. CIR Regional Vice President Dr. Alex Nguyen stood… Read more

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  • On Wednesday May 17, 2017, a Know Your Rights workshop was held at CIR’s NYC office with experts from the NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, NY Immigration Coalition, NY Legal Assistance Group, CIR Legal Services, and Cambridge Health Alliance.  Residents received information on immigrant patient rights, resources to share with their patients, and information… Read more

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